Build for Apple Silicon

As of the date of this post, GNS3 doesn’t offer a native GNS3 client for macOS with Apple Silicon - so let’s remedy that. This post is technically a companion to GNS3 on Apple Silicon , but it should also work with most remote GNS3 server types. It will not work for macOS users running the local GNS3 server. Prerequisites Mac computer with Apple silicon macOS Sonoma Git Steps Open your favorite terminal emulator....

May 12, 2024 · 2 min

Add Cisco routers for Dynamips to GNS3 on macOS

Dynamips may seem to be a bygone technology for the present day, but it’s still a great solution for learning routing concepts on emulated Cisco router platforms. Prerequisites GNS3 on Apple Silicon GNS3 client Steps Open your favorite terminal emulator. Create the IOS directory. mkdir -p ~/GNS3/images/IOS Copy the Cisco image files to the IOS directory. For my example, I will copy the c3640-jk9o3s-mz.124-16a.bin and c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.bin image files from my Downloads directory....

May 11, 2024 · 2 min

Alacritty with GNS3 on macOS

iTerm2 is my primary terminal emulator for macOS, but I prefer to use a separate terminal emulator for GNS3 console (telnet) connections. After a little bit of research, I decided on Alacritty . It’s lightweight and supports the command line options we need for GNS3. There are several different ways to install Alacritty and Telnet, but I use MacPorts in this post. Steps Open your favorite terminal emulator (besides Alacritty 😉)....

May 11, 2024 · 2 min

Add Cisco IOSv devices to GNS3 on macOS

The Cisco IOSv and IOSv L2 devices could be considered the standard for learning Cisco routing and switching in the confines of a virtual network environment. They’re light in resource usage and contain a vast feature set. Let’s now add them to our GNS3 device inventory. Prerequisites Cisco Modeling Labs subscription GNS3 on Apple Silicon GNS3 client Steps Point your web browser to the CML Software Download page. Click the Download icon for Cisco Modeling Labs reference platform ISO file (February 2024)....

May 9, 2024 · 3 min

Add Cisco IOL devices to GNS3 on macOS

Cisco recently made the IOS on Linux (IOL) images publicly available via their Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) subscription. This post provides the steps of how to add them to GNS3 on macOS. Prerequisites Cisco Modeling Labs subscription GNS3 on Apple Silicon GNS3 client Steps Point your web browser to the CML Software Download page. Click the Download icon for Cisco Modeling Labs reference platform ISO file (February 2024). Log in with your Cisco....

May 5, 2024 · 2 min

GNS3 on Apple Silicon

Before we work our way through the steps, I will start by pointing out GNS3 server has the following constraints when running on Apple Silicon: Lack of Linux KVM for x86_64 virtualized guests Slight performance penalty with emulated x86_64 Linux binaries (Rosetta ) GNS3 is viable even with these limitations. I’m amazed with the stability and performance considering the Linux operating system and virtual network devices are running on a different CPU architecture....

April 29, 2024 · 4 min

SSH local port forwarding with remote GNS3 server

After opening the GNS3 client and starting nodes, we primarily access the remote virtual devices with a console connection. This console connection is either Telnet, VNC, or SPICE. A console connection covers our requirement for physical access to the virtual devices, but today most administrative tasks are carried out with a link to the network management interface . I define the GNS3 server as remote if the gns3server process is not running on the host operating system....

June 24, 2019 · 17 min

Store and retrieve GNS3 images with Azure Blob Storage

This post is a companion to the previous GNS3 with Microsoft Azure post. For many of us, an asymmetrical Internet connection usually equates to a much slower upload than download speed. Specifically, in our case, this results in a time-consuming process of uploading GNS3 image files to our remote gns3server VM instance. What if we need to recreate the disk attached to our gns3server VM instance? Modify the type (i....

October 24, 2018 · 4 min

GNS3 with Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is one of the big three public cloud computing providers for services such as virtual machines (VMs), containers, server-less computing, and machine learning. Azure is a large platform, but we’re focused solely on the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) resources in this guide. The GNS3 architecture is comprised of three primary components: User Interface (UI), Controller, and the (Compute) Server. The Server is the component that puts a strain on computer hardware resources....

September 24, 2018 · 11 min