Sync a local folder to a remote folder in Sublime Text

Though remote development is not available out of the box for Sublime Text, we can enable a form of it with the sublime-rsync-ssh package. This versatile plugin has many features and options, but this post will focus solely on syncing a single local folder to a remote folder. I recommend you peruse the README for more information. Prerequisites Sublime Text with macOS is used in the examples, but it’s still applicable for Windows and Linux. Cygwin is required for Windows. ...

November 14, 2023 · 2 min

SSH local port forwarding with remote GNS3 server

After opening the GNS3 client and starting nodes, we primarily access the remote virtual devices with a console connection. This console connection is either Telnet, VNC, or SPICE. A console connection covers our requirement for physical access to virtual devices, but today, most administrative tasks are carried out with a link to the network management interface . I define the GNS3 server as remote if the gns3server process is not running on the host operating system. I consider the GNS3 VM remote because the gns3server process runs on a guest operating system (Ubuntu). ...

June 24, 2019 · 16 min

SSH using Public-Key Authentication

Lately, I’ve been implementing a solution to make SSH connections more secure and manageable (i.e., getting away from password authentication). A couple of benefits public-key authentication has over the default password authentication is: Memorize only the passphrase of your private key rather than possibly dozens of username/password combinations for remote hosts. A password sent across the network, even protected by an SSH secure channel, can be captured when it arrives on the remote host if that host has been compromised. Steps Generate the key pair. RSA authentication will need a passphrase to encrypt the private key. It’s highly recommended to create a strong passphrase for the private key. A strong passphrase is at least 10 - 15 characters long and not a grammatical sentence. The following command creates a 4096-bit RSA key pair and also prompts you for a passphrase: ...

March 29, 2010 · 2 min